fyah links

You cannot turn on television without hearing about weight loss. This article details how gendered the conversations around weight loss are. Where Charles Barkley assure men they can still maintain their masculinity even when they diet i.e. choose healthier foods.

We take on so much stress everyday- focusing on the future, the past and rarely ever being present in the moment. Over in Grenada at the Spice Harmony Yoga Studio they recommend yoga as a way to develop presence in our lives and alleviate stress.
Here’s a yoga video that’s suitable for beginners. I found it quite calming… hope you do to.

Comments on: "fyah links" (1)

  1. it really does look relaxing. And I know that cus i watched the entire video while laying on my bed 🙂 Next time I will draw for my mat and give it whirl. I have never, and I mean never been able to finish one of those videos. Another thing I shall try 🙂

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